Showing posts with the label healthy body

Health benefits of Onion

Onions are not only a delicious addition to many culinary dishes but they also offer several hea…

5 Myths of Dental Caries

Brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups are standard for oral health care, but there are …

Vitamin A Benefits

Vitamin A can be very helpful in our life : Maintenance of normal vision -  Our eyes need vitam…

What Is Manicure

What Is Manicure ?       The appearance of our hands, nails and arms gives either a good or a bad …

What Is Pedicure

What Is Pedicure ?      With its origin from Latin words Pedis; foot and Cura, cure. Therefore, ped…

Caring For Teeth

How do you take care For Teeth ?    We all need teeth to chew and speak clearly. Our teeth also aff…

Skin Healthy Skin

Healthy diet is essential for a healthy skin !     Fruits and vegetables should be a constituent o…

Kegel Exercise For Married

Kegel Exercise can improve your bladder control ! Pubococcygeus or "PC" muscles which fo…

Waist Hip Ratio

Waist-hip ratio or Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is the ratio of the circumference of the waist to that …

Yoga Benefits

Yoga offers numerous benefits for both the mind and body. Here are some of the key advantages of pr…

What is Yoga

ARE YOU CRAZY ABOUT YOGA ! The reason why most people do yoga is that it makes them feel bette…

Yoga & Everyday Life

There are so many different types of yoga today, with this a problematic situation for beginners, …

Yoga & Aged People

Yoga is particularly good for elderly people as even the most basic exercises can offer…

Yoga & hypertension

For controlling your hypertension, there are two effective yoga exercises that helps lower the blo…

Yoga & Hair Growth


Yoga & Asthma

Simply lifting a person's level of fitness can help to reduce the number of asthma attacks for …

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