Include FIBRES in your DIET...

Have you wondered what dietary fibres are? We talk about it, but very few know what they are. Let's have a look at the fibres.

Dietary fibre is essential for good health. Legumes, vegetables, fruits, cereals like rice, wheat, millet, barley etc. are rich in fibre content. Among vegetables, peas, carrots, potatoes, sweet corn and leafy vegetables are all rich in fibre.
Fibre helps to reduce cholesterol. It helps to reduce constipation and also regularises bowel movement. A small quantity of fibre is essential in our daily diet.
Studies show that fibres can be categorised into several classes.


This is the most commonly found fibre. Cellulose can be found in beans, vegetables, fruits, bran, nuts and seeds. Researchers say that cellulose helps to regularise the glucose in the blood and also helps to reduce weight. It helps to soften motion/stool and therefore aids regular bowel movement.


This can be found in cereals, spinach, tomatoes, whole-meal flour, cabbage etc.


This can be found in apples, bran, papaya (raw), oranges, grapes, berries etc. It helps to reduce serum cholesterol levels.

Gums and Mucilage

These are found in oatmeal, dried beans and oat bran. Studies have shown that it aids in reducing cholesterol and in controlling diabetes through diet. These are sticky fibres.


It is present wherever cellulose is found. Like cellulose, hemicellulose helps in relieving constipation and also in reducing weight. Both cellulose and hemicellulose bring about changes in the bacterial breakdown in the intestines.

Fibre content in food can be increased with incorporation of wholemeal breads, peas, lentils, root vegetables and fruits like dates, apples, bananas, pears etc.

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