Include Vegetables and Fruits in your Diet to make it HEalthy!

Fruits and Vegetables are a great constituent of Fibre with cuts down your calories and make you healthy...

Even a die-hard meat lover will agree that vegetables are a main source of proteins and vitamins for the body. And even the most kitchen-friendly of us will agree that faulty cooking methods and prolonged careless storage, can destroy these valuable elements. To derive maximum benefits of their nutrients, vegetables should be consumed as fresh as possible. Salads are by far the best way to consume a vegetable, without losing out on its vitamin value, but here are some hints that will help you cook them without losing out on the energy quotient. If you happen to have forgotten one or two hints, well, take a look! If you happen to know them, remember them and yet not use them in your everyday cooking -please read and re-read these tips and practice them too!

Wash the vegetables thoroughly and cut them into as large a piece as possible.

Put the cut pieces into a vessel with boiling water, with a pinch of salt in it. (this will prevent the loss of vital vitamins like B-complex and Vitamin C)

Remember spinach and other greens hardly require any water. Only minimum water that just about covers the vegetables should be used.

Cover the cooking pan tightly so that you don't expose the vegetables to the atmospheric air.

Cook them only for the stipulated time and stop the heat once you know they are just right for you to chew!

As far as possible, serve them hot.

Food and health books say that it is essential that leafy vegetables should constitute 40% of our vegetable intake; roots & tubers should be 30% and other vegetables like brinjal, ladies fingers should constitute the remaining 30%. Does it make a difference to you? if they haven't till now, make it a point to make note! Because eating is what we do to live!

Fruits Fundas

Fresh fruits and dry fruits contain rich minerals, vitamins and enzymes and give the overall cleansing effect to the blood and digestive tract. Studies reveal that dried fruits such as apricots, raisins and dates supply calcium and iron to the body. Regular intake of fruits helps in preventing constipation and digestion.
Fruits are best when taken as a separate meal by themselves, preferably for breakfast and may pair better with milk!

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